5 Inspiring Quotes from Adventurous Women
These Women Know the Importance of Adventure
I've gathered 5 of my favorite quotes from women adventurers. I love these quotes not only because the women that said them accomplished amazing things, but because these women have inspired me to always remember to live adventurously. So next time you start to feel like you need a little more adventure in your life, remember these quotes and get out there!
1. Amelia Earhart on Adventure
I love this quote so much. Most of our adventures will never bring us fame like Amelia Earhart, but she reminds us that each adventure however small is still worth it, even if no one else was there.
"Adventure is worthwhile in itself." - Amelia Earhart
2. Nancy Newhall on Wisdom
Nancy Newhall might be best known for writing the captions accompanying many of Ansel Adams iconic landscape photographs. Her words below always remind me that I need nature and wilderness in my life more than I know.
"The wilderness holds answers to questions man has not yet learned to ask." - Nancy Newhall
3. Helen Keller on the Earth Underfoot
Helen Keller's accomplishments are impressive, even more so because she was deaf and blind. The next time you encounter a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass while hiking I encourage you to take off your boots and socks and feel what Helen Keller was talking about.
4. Ruth P. Freedman on Living
Great adventures often start on either a dare from a friend or when you dare to do something new and unknown. So next time you're dared to hike further or explore farther dare to go for it. Just don't do anything too crazy and stay safe out there.
5. Diane Ackerman on Living Wide
Diane Ackerman is an author and naturalist with many inspiring works. I love this quote because it reminds me to plan adventures and get things done. None of us know how long we have, so make everyday wide with adventures.
"I do not want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.” -Diane Ackerman
Words to live by.
I love this little list! Wonderful collection. Thank you for sharing it with us.